Finding Passion in Movement

for Hypermobility and Chronic Pain

Virtual Coaching

Private sessions centered around chronic pain education, finding safety in the breath, bringing balance back to the nervous system, and implementing safe and effective movement strategies.  

Movement Coach Danielle Vaccaro posing with a smile on the beach.

Led by Danielle Vaccaro

Danielle is an Exercise Physiologist, Registered Yoga Teacher and Movement Coach who has transformed her approach to movement to better serve herself and others living in chronic pain.

If you are someone that is scared of moving again, trust me, I have been there. My first step to returning home to my body was to focus on calming my nervous system. I was then able to re-introduce safe and effective movement strategies.

My hope for you is that we can work together to find a movement routine that is safe and unique to you, while allowing you to find joy in your movement regime.

Danielle Vaccaro, Movement Coach