
Virtual Coaching

Reduce Flare-ups

Through 1:1 virtual coaching, I will listen closely to the story that brought you here. It is important to note that flare ups will happen, but we will find strategies to reduce the frequency and duration of your flare ups by keeping a journal of what may be causing them in the first place. Sometimes flare ups are out of our control. However, we will work at controlling what we can.

Manage Fluctuating Symptoms

I truly believe that education & knowledge are power when navigating a life with hypermobility and chronic pain. Education about chronic pain and how that presents uniquely in your body is a key aspect of my coaching method. To feel better in our activities of daily living, we must first thoroughly understand what is happening in our bodies due to our individual conditions. You are always your own best advocate.

We will work together to create an affordable, individualized plan that includes chronic pain education, connection to the breath through mindfulness, re-activating the parasympathetic nervous system and committing to unique movement patterns for you. This movement regime will encompass 6 essential principles, detailed below.

Achieve Your Goals

For Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders, and other Chronic Pain Conditions.

Explore Essential Principles

Let’s Get Started!